English Hrvatski

New Charades Ideas

Pantoparty is a fun way to play charades. You draw a card with five totally random words and act them out. Your team's goal is to guess all the words in 3 minutes.



  • One player draws a card with 5 random words. It is his job to act them out in the desired order.
  • Other team members have to guess.
  • They have 3 minutes to guess all the words.
  • For each guessed word the team gets 1 point.
  • The game is played for 5 rounds. The team that scores the most points wins.

Charades for Kids

Pantoparty has a special game mode for children with simple words which are easier to imitate and guess.

Mobile App

Pantoparty is a progressive web app (PWA) and you can add it to you mobile device.
When you're playing the game just tap "Add to Homescreen" in your mobile browser.